Why Beautiful Hurts and The Joy of the Palm Tree Gate

Landscape Gia Joseph Giasuniverse

I watch the wind weave through the lush long grass. Each stem and its leaf dance in harmony with the others; all of them together are participating in pattern creation of endless possibilities. Suddenly the breeze notices me and ruffles my hair. It tickles my face and sweeps the hair over my eyes, I turn around and it turns with me. I turn again and the wind does the same…I realize, it’s playing with me, making me dance like it does with the grass Β and the clouds above in the sky, and I smile. The wind confirms my thoughts by gently breathing my hair away from my eyes, so I can see into the distance. I inhale, and take the breeze into my lungs, it spreads through my veins into my heart like liquid gold, and I feel it in my soul. Oh, God, it’s beautiful, thank you.

I bask in the mesmerizing happy glow for a while, but then I feel a jolt of sadness. A pang of regret is creeping in, because it’s so beautiful it hurts, because I want to share it, because I want everyone to feel it, because I want you to feel it. To feel it with your whole being just like it’s harmonizing in mine.

Stream Gia Joseph Giasuniverse

But most of all it hurts, because I feel guilty. How can I feel like this? How can I enjoy it, when others can’t? When there is so much suffering in the world. How can it be? When the clouds reflect in the stream with such ease. How can life be so beautiful, yet there is so much ugliness in the hearts of some people? Their heart is beating just as mine or yours, but at some point it was poisoned and their soul was taken away causing unbearable misery to all those innocent creatures near and far. And there are others who still have their soul, and their heart is beating to the right tune, but they are lost and deceived, or fooled, awake yet asleep.

Could they still be reached? What do they feel when they see the clouds? Can the clouds reflect in the water molecules of their bodies also? What about the breathtaking sunsets, the children playing in the park, the animals with their young, and all life sprouting all around…? How can they feel anything but love and compassion and magic?

Sun shining through grass Gia Joseph, Giasuniverse

Right now I don’t have any answers, and there is nothing I can do in this moment, so I lay down and catch the brilliant shine of the diamonds sparkling through hair of the grass, shining through my eyes into the depths of my soul. I allow myself to feel happy again, as I watch the cloud scenery float above, and I see the faces of those I love, and the feeling swells in my chest until it overflows my heart and bursts out into the ether. I love them even more. In this very moment I love everyone and everything.

I swear, I feel your presence, I am certain that you are here with me. You are everywhere and in everything all around, you are the ground beneath me, the trees swaying gently in the breeze… you are the breeze and the grass waving to me. Your face is in the clouds. You are smiling with your deep knowing eyes. I look right into them and connect willingly, and just like that I am pulled out and into you. I let it happen for I have no other choice, nor a will to resist. It’s simply incredible, but I long for more.

I move my hand to touch your face, but it goes through the air. How can that be? I long for your embrace, my whole being desires to feel your arms around me. Just one hug would be enough to sustain me for eternity. Just one simple embrace would be more than enough to carry me on a wave of never ending bliss. But no more than that. More than one would be too much. Too much happiness would combust my heart and break my soul into billions of pieces.

On the road of discovery Gia Joseph Giasuniverse

I cannot stay still for another second, so I get up and start moving. For now I am happy just to know you feel the same way about me, and I can be with you any time I look up to the heavens. And one day I will feel your sweet embrace, I know that for sure. So I set off again on this wonderful journey, and let it be. I let it go, because happiness is everywhere, and I am in awe of all the beauty and perfection of all creation surrounding me, and I am grateful.

Heavenly clouds Gia Joseph Giasuniverse

I am grateful, that I can see the sunset today, that I can loose myself in the beautiful clouds, as I watch them dance high above. They are merging with one another and making new shapes with such ease. Lucid and fluid. And they don’t cry when they dissolve, or when they change their shape, because their essence remains the same.

The wind is playing its part nudging them gently along. And when I feel the breeze caressing my cheek again, I know it’s the same wind that touched you. It’s the same wind that ran through your hair that is now touching mine…and it is the same air you breathed yesterday that is entering my mouth right now.

Palm Tree Sunset Gia Joseph Giasuniverse

The sun is setting fast coloring the sky. I see a lion kissing a lamb in the palm tree gate and I laugh with joy, because you just sent me a sign that everything is going to be alright. That the predators of this world can still find and open their hearts to love and compassion with the weaker, innocent and suffering.

Orange sunset moody sky Gia Joseph Giasuniverse

Thank you. I am happy, and I wish you the same. I love you. Good night. xox

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About giasuniverse

I am compelled to create, I now realize that this is a gift from God, I want to make him happy by sharing it with others. My aim is to bring enjoyment to people, and help in any way I can. I wish to know and do many things. Some of them I do and others I do in my imaginary life. A life long learner, a truth seeker, a philosopher, a dreamer, an adventurer, an artist, and a writer on this wonderful journey called life.

20 responses to “Why Beautiful Hurts and The Joy of the Palm Tree Gate”

  1. Dave says :

    The writing and the photos are amazing on this post, Gia! I love it! Thank you!! πŸ™‚


    • giasuniverse says :

      It warms my heart to know, that you enjoyed it, Dave! Thank you too πŸ™‚ Gia x

      Liked by 2 people

      • Dave says :

        I enjoyed it very much, Gia! πŸ™‚ I really look forward to reading more. Blown away by the clarity of the photography. The words match so beautifully! Thanks also for following my blog, too! Great to meet you.


      • giasuniverse says :

        Aw thanks, Dave I am still learning how to use my new camera, it’s a journey in itself πŸ˜€ Those photos are from a first ever session. I am grateful that you stumbled upon my blog and led me to yours. I am reading your novel, love your style of writing, it’s very close to mine especially in the effect of nature on Claudia’s emotions. Love it! I will be back to finish reading as soon as I can. Have a magical weekend. Gia x

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dave says :

        Wow, I can’t believe those are first-time photographs. I just can’t get over the colors and clarity. You are really gifted. Keep that going! Also, I am so honored that you would read my story and touched by your comments. After re-reading your writing, I can see the similarity with mine mixing nature and human emotion. I love to do that! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the weekend wishes and I wish you the same! ~Dave


      • giasuniverse says :

        Thank you for the wonderful compliments, Dave! It is so encouraging, there is nothing better than the knowledge of someone else being touched by what you do, and making others happy makes me super happy:)
        I used my iPhone before and finally got a proper camera (Nikon). Thank God for some great youtube videos explaining the functions.
        Your novel- you have something special there, Dave! I absolutely love mixing nature and human emotion too! πŸ™‚ In fact I went a bit overboard with it on my past posts, and I later found out it is called pathetic fallacy, I was horrified lol But you know what I don’t care, there will always be people who will love it and others will hate it, you can’t please everyone. And for me it’s personal it’s who I am I just feel nature like that I can’t help it. πŸ˜›
        There is more I would like to comment on your novel, but I will do it on your blog when I get around to finish reading it. Weekends are always so busy here. Thanks again, Dave. Gia x

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dave says :

        Thanks for the beautiful response, Gia, and for telling me about pathetic fallacy. I just looked it up and yes, that pretty much describes my style, too. Is it supposed to be a critical thing because I also love reading authors who do the same in their work. If the literary critics call it that, then I’m as “pathetic” as it gets. Seriously. One of my writing heroes, Helen Keller, also loved the way that writers of her day used this style because it vividly showed her what she had been imagining in her mind’s eye. Because we have much in common in our writing, let’s keep in touch. My email is davegoodlove@gmail.com, or you can find me on Twitter @DaveGoodlove. Based on these photos in this post, I can’t wait to see what else you’re going to do with your new camera! πŸ™‚ Thanks also for your encouraging words about my story! Take care! ~Dave


      • giasuniverse says :

        You are most welcome, Dave, thank you too! Yes, great idea lets keep in touch πŸ™‚ We can have a “Pathetic Fallacy club” lol I too love those novels that make use of this literary device.
        Helen Keller- WOW, what an inspiration! Thank you for introducing her to me, they didn’t teach about her in Europe where I come from. I’ll have to explore her life story and her work more, she seems like such an intriguing person.
        Gia x

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dave says :

        Haha, I love the idea of a Pathetic Fallacy club!! Yes, Helen Keller was deaf and blind and has one of the most inspirational stories!! She was taught by a wonderfully loving tutor all her life and because of her tutor, she was able to graduate from a prestigious college with seeing and hearing students. She also wrote her first book, The Story of My Life, at the age of 20! If you research her story, I know you will be inspired. Great to keep in touch with you. I didn’t know you were in Europe. Which country? Have a great week! ~Dave

        Liked by 1 person

      • giasuniverse says :

        πŸ™‚ Thanks Dave, I found a movie about Helen and I’ll watch it tonight, what a spirit, her story is astonishing!
        I grew up in the Czech republic, then I lived in UK for many years and we moved to the US last year. πŸ˜€
        I am heading over to your blog to read about Claudia now πŸ™‚ Cheers Dave! Gia x

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dave says :

        Sorry I’m just responding now, Gia. Thank you for your wonderful comments. Your background of growing up in the Czech republic sounds interesting!! The Bavarian forest where my story takes place – which is based loosely on true events of my life – is located close to the Czech border. So happy you are reading my story!! πŸ™‚


      • giasuniverse says :

        That’s why I feel like at home in your story πŸ˜€ x

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Grandtrines says :

    Reblogged this on Grand Dreams.


  3. Dalo 2013 says :

    The stories you tell with the photos matches so well with the beautiful words you have chosen ~ from the high of the wind tickling your face and playing with you, to your thoughts of guilt show both the playful, youthfulness we all have that becomes sad when we see so much tragedy in the world.

    This post is perfect in timing as well for the end of the year, “I am grateful, that I can see the sunset today, that I can loose myself in the beautiful clouds, as I watch them dance high above.” Grateful of the great life that is out there and that we’ve all been given.

    All the photos shine, beautiful ~ you are becoming good friends with your new camera I see πŸ™‚ The 3rd and 6th shots were my favorites, matching both the view and your words. Cheers to a great holiday season.


    • giasuniverse says :

      Randall! I just came here from your latest blog post and see your visited mine πŸ™‚ I love your thoughtful comments and compliments, it is really so lovely, thank you! You always interpret the writing and the images the way I meant it.
      And yes, my camera and I really hit it off πŸ˜€ It’s great to be more involved with the whole process and decision making. I am saving again for better lenses this time πŸ™‚
      Enjoy the rest of weekend!
      PS: I am still giggling about the soft eye of the horse turning into the glare of your secretary. I can’t help getting the images of your secretary/horse glaring and speaking Chinese to you out of my head LOL it’s priceless


      • Dalo 2013 says :

        You definitely have the right idea ~ save for a better lens, and a good lens will quickly become your best photography friend πŸ™‚ Wishing you a great 2016, keep up your youthfulness and spirit and look forward to the New Year.


      • giasuniverse says :

        Hi Randall, wishing you a fantastic year 2016 too, and thank you for your feedback and encouragement, I truly appreciate it! Gia xx


  4. giasuniverse says :

    Thank you Be Like Water! Gia x


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